Monday, January 28, 2008

Torchwood Season 2 Underway

Well, ladies and gents, after almost a full year of waitng, Captain Jack Harkness and his merry band of alien detectives has finally come back to the world with new episodes of Torchwood. Being the generous fan that I am, I will be updating my blog weekly with news of the teams new exploits. Now, seeing as how I am two weeks behind already, I'll include a special double update later. But first, the Season 1 recap.

Season 1 introduces Torchwood through the eyes of their new recruit, Gwen Cooper. The team consists of Doctor Owen Harper; Technician extrordinaire Toshiko Sato; jack of all trades Ianto Jones; and their brilliant leader Captain Jack Harkness. Throughout the first season, the team deals with various threats both within their own ranks and outside of Torchwood. From incomplete Cybermen to innocent people stranded outside of their time period to ressurected menacing teammates, Torchwood delivers its own brand of justice to those posing a threat to the planet. The season closed out with the opening of the Cardiff rift by a possessed Torchwood team, despite Jack's attempts to stop them. Jack is killed before the Rift opens, but comes back to life to fight the monster unleashed from the Rift. Days later, Jack recovers and forgives his teammates, only to vanish from their sights when he hears the familiar engines of a certain Doctors spaceship...

Season 2 Episode 1 and 2 Summaries later on.

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